Turtle Bread by Kim-Joy Book Review

https://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Bread-Graphic-Fitting-Friendship/dp/1506730981/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1VG716AMA907T&keywords=turtle+bread+kim+joy&qid=1689160201&sprefix=turtle+bread+%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1 I love trolling the Kindle Store for new books. Why? Because every so often you find a real treasure like this: Turtle Bread by Kim-Joy. And if you're thinking, "Hey, is it THAT Kim-Joy? The one from the Great British Baking Show?" then you're right! This manga is available on the Kindle Store now,... Continue Reading →

My Gift for You: A Children’s Book That Celebrates the Endless Love Surrounding Every Child and Reinforces Their Self-Worth by V. Moua Book Review

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51aqESCZtsL.SX260.jpg A mysterious gift box appears, as the journey begins. From the deserts to the depths of the sea, children from all over the world seek to answer one question: What is the greatest gift of all? As the journey continues to all corners of the earth, the answer is simple, yet profound - and... Continue Reading →

Frozen: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Review

I've been watching a LOOOT of Frozen, lately! I really love the characters and the message of overcoming obstacles that are so prevalent in these films. In the spirit of the 2020 quarantine, we decided to watch a fun Christmas movie together, and had a lot of fun with Olaf's Frozen Adventure. This short movie... Continue Reading →

The Allies: Family and Friends 30: Love is in the Air in this Landmark Volume!

https://www.amazon.com/Allies-Family-Friends-Book-30-ebook/dp/B07XQ66NW9/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=dakota+love+allies+30&qid=1569223808&s=gateway&sr=8-1 Here it is, folks! We've defeated the bad guys, saved the world (thank God), and now, we're getting our lives back together. Heyawata is now known as RIVER, the tenth member of the Allies! But, what is that, stirring in the hearts of two people within these pages? There is a whisper of magic,... Continue Reading →

My Little Pony: The Movie Review

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends face off against Covenant style villains in this epic adventure! Seriously, this was worth the wait. This movie had it all - great action, consistent characters, wonderful songs, and a wrap-up that was just about perfect. I haven't seen a movie this great since the Avengers back in 2012,... Continue Reading →

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