The Allies: Family and Friends Series Finale! Book 45: Fiesta in Mexico City Here we are, everyone! The battle is won, the heroes triumphant, and now, it's time for the Allies and all of their friends to par-tay! Experience the magic of fiesta alongside the Allies, as they get to see the sights in the city they fought so hard to defend. And get ready, because our... Continue Reading →

The Allies: Family and Friends Book 44: The Sword of Santiago This is it! The villainous El Tiempo, He-who-would-rule-time, has been revealed, and the Allies stand in the breach to stop his deadly plans for the universe! In an ancient magic location deeply rooted in Aztec history, El Tiempo strikes. the Allies will fight as never before, as the lives of the team, and the... Continue Reading →

The Allies: Family and Friends Book 43: The Night of Sorrows We're finally here! The Allies team meets up with Metiza to protect the ancient Aztec artifacts that they've discovered over the course of the adventure. But all is not as it seems. Son, a mystery villain comes to light, and the Allies find themselves in the midst of an unexpected conflict. The final battle... Continue Reading →

The Allies: Family and Friends Book 42: The Calendar Wheel – Explore Mexico City with our Superhero Team! Here it is, everyone! Number 4 in the Final Five Countdown, THE CALENDAR WHEEL takes the Allies to fabulous Mexico City! Mexico City is the oldest city in North America, features the oldest Christian Church in North America, and also has the most museums of any city in North America! It's a place where... Continue Reading →

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