Turtle Bread by Kim-Joy Book Review

https://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Bread-Graphic-Fitting-Friendship/dp/1506730981/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1VG716AMA907T&keywords=turtle+bread+kim+joy&qid=1689160201&sprefix=turtle+bread+%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1 I love trolling the Kindle Store for new books. Why? Because every so often you find a real treasure like this: Turtle Bread by Kim-Joy. And if you're thinking, "Hey, is it THAT Kim-Joy? The one from the Great British Baking Show?" then you're right! This manga is available on the Kindle Store now,... Continue Reading →

Pokemon The Power of Us Movie Review

I love Pokemon. I mean, come on! There are so many different kinds of Pokemon out there, and there's a special Pokemon friend for everyone. My special Pokemon friend is Jigglypuff, the one I loved most when I was little. Jigglypuff helped me through a really rough time in my childhood, and the Power of... Continue Reading →

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